Yemaya St. Clair, LCPC

Couples Counselor and Sex Therapist

Before Your First Visit

Client contact begins with a free 15-minute phone or video consultation during which we’ll determine whether I’m the right fit for what you’re seeking.

Fee Structure

Standard 50-minute sessions: $150

Couples Counseling Intake 80-minute sessions: $225

Sexual Health Consultations: $250

Insurance + Superbills

I do not bill directly to insurance providers but can provide a monthly Superbill if you want to seek reimbursement for out-of-network (OON) services.

Cancellation Policy

I understand that conflicts arise. There will be no charge for cancellations given at least 24-hours before the scheduled session. However, a $100 fee will be charged for no-shows or cancellations made within 24-hours of your appointment.

Good Faith Estimate

As of January 1, 2022, psychologists and other healthcare providers are required by law to give patients who do not have health insurance or who are not using their insurance a “good faith estimate” of costs for medical services. Clients should feel free to request an estimate from me at any time.